New research directions in pedagogy - okładka książki

New research directions in pedagogy

Autor: Norbert G. Pikuła, Joanna M. Łukasik, Katarzyna Jagielska

Conducting research is a particular challenge for the PhD students who start their scientific career. Therefore, their active participation in the courses offered by a doctoral school, as well as cooperation with the scientific supervisors of their thesis, are both of great significance.

In October 2017, having adopted the highest standards for preparation of young staff to scientific work not only in Poland, but also in the countries aspiring to membership in the EU, the Editors of the presented volume started cooperation with the Doctoral School at Tiraspol State University from Chișinău in Moldova (which in 2022 became part of “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University). The classes for PhD students conducted by the Editors are aimed at strengthening their development in the field of scientific writing and the skill of scientific presentations, and at the developing their methodological workshop in the spirit of the latest international research trends in social sciences and humanities.
The presented monograph includes 10 research articles prepared by PhD students as part of their dissertation writing classes. They focus on research in various sub disciplines of pedagogy, including pre school pedagogy, andragogy, general and academic didactics, pedeutology and theory of education. The articles cover the latest research conducted in Moldova in the areas selected by the authors, while their theoretical and empirical context is embedded in the international theories and research. Their content attests to intensive work on the part of PhD students in the area of their scientific development, from expanding knowledge, through referring to international standards of research projects (including the use of standardised research tools), to adopting international standards of scientific writing.

Oprawa miękka
Rok wydania 2023
Liczba stron 150
Wymiar [mm] 167x240
EAN 9788380849853
ISBN 978-83-8084-985-3
Data 2023-12-20
ID 579375
cena 50.00 zł
Autor także

Konkursy pamiętnikarskie w pedeutologii. Tradycje - tendencje - perspektywy badań

Joanna M. Łukasik

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