Technology of efficient wind energy utylization - okładka książki

Technology of efficient wind energy utylization

Autor: Krzysztof Pytel

This study is an introduction to the analysis of technological aspects of wind energy use. Realizing that it is not possible to cover the whole problem related to wind energy, most attention was paid to the practical aspects of the discussed issue. The work provides an overview of the possibilities of using renewable energy sources. It describes selected renewable energy sources, the acquisition of which brings no or minimal environmental pollution. The role of green energy sources and the role of technology in the development of green energy are presented. The threats to modern civilization posed by ignoring environmentally friendly methods of obtaining energy were shown.

Oprawa miękka
Rok wydania 2022
Liczba stron 152
Wymiar [mm] 210x148
EAN 9788380848610
ISBN 978-83-8084-861-0
Data 2022-09-15
ID 541530
cena 40.00 zł
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